Beautiful Silks from Baizaar

Lightweight silks in pretty prints and color palettes are perfect for Maui, especially when you want to look a little dressed up.  We just brought in a shipment of beautiful silk styles from a company called Baizaar that we’re really excited about.  

Lua Silk Scarves

Scarves are a fantastic way to accessorize and enhance your look year round.  We love our newest shipment of luscious silk scarves from Lua.

One Of A Kind Silk Jumpsuits

One of our favorite new trends this summer has been the cute one piece printed jumpsuits that we’re seeing.  Since it feels like summer here just about all year long we thought we would bring some in for our customers and we found some fabulous ones from a company called Baizaar.

New Silks from Citron Clothing

There’s a reason we’ve been ordering from Citron clothing for over 15 years. Their quality is unmatched and their prints are breathtaking.

Hana Lima Hand Dyes

This week at Collections we got in a new shipment of hand dyed silk scarves from one of our favorite local vendors on the Big Island.