One can never have too many bags, pouches, clutches, you name it. It’s always nice to have a cute go-to bag to fit just the essentials when you’re out and about. Our newest shipment of bags from Zina Kao are perfect to use as a clutch or throw in your purse to stay organized.
Each piece is handmade in Los Angeles and the prices are great for such craftsmanship. We have a wide range of metallic colors to choose from (including a beautiful turquoise and copper color) and a few different sizes and styles. We also brought in some pieces from their camo collection for those looking for an edgier vibe. The leather is soft to the touch and the bags are simple in their design so you can just throw your stuff in and go. They also make a very chic makeup bag too! Prices range from just $35 to $75. Stop by Collections in Makawao today to see the newest clutches from Zina Kao. Aloha!